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BY Sr. Brenda Walsh, Racine Dominican

Today, many are questioning the amount of money our US government  is spending on wars and other military engagements and homeland security. This is happening at a time  when more people are experiencing poverty  and are in great need. Even though the war in Afghanistan is winding down , our nation is still spending almost as much on war as we spent at the height of the war in Vietnam.

The Senate Appropriations Committee Chairperson said the” House Appropriations Committee approved the 2014 budget increase by more than 5 percent, as compared to 2013 funding after the cuts of sequestration.” The funding increase in military spending would be offset by cuts in domestic spending. This would greatly affect areas such as Labor, Health and Human Services and Education programs, which would see cuts of 18 percent  in some areas of vital social services and education. It is a concern for all of us when budget cuts are required that will affect each of us and our communities and nation.  Building a more just and sustainable economy is a moral issue that requires our attention and response. We have to believe that another world is possible. War is never the answer and  calls for our prayers, analysis, and tools for taking action for the common good.

We know that with God’s power always available to us, there is no stone that cannot be rolled away and allow ways to create a loving and just and  peaceful community for all people. Our faith can help us to look at our communities and world with clear vision and help create the kind of world God  has in mind for all. When we look out the window and see the green shoots coming through the frozen ground, we know new life is very possible. It is time for a wakeup call to all of us. We rely too much on weapons of war which only generate more violence and never lead to peace. We cannot rely on war for our economic wellbeing. The money spent on war could be used to help people in poverty and to create healthy communities which lead to wellbeing, hope and peace.

This is a time when we not only are close to economic bankruptcy, but also to moral and spiritual bankruptcy. If we continue on the same path. it will only end in more violence. It is time to use our energy and resources to work for peace, justice and human dignity. We are all called to be truth-seekers and truth proclaimers, to call on our leaders to end the wars and divert our resources toward life- giving causes. School, hospital and human resources for all are badly needed to bring life, not death, to all people.  Martin Luther King’s words often reminds us that every dollar spent on war, is stolen from the people who need it more, while trying to get basic necessities of life for themselves and their children. May we see the urgency to bring about change in these areas of need. 

We hear God’s call and unfailing presence and realize that there is no slavery or darkness that cannot be overcome or that has the last word. Remind people, especially our legislators, that war is not the answer. It only leaves a legacy of violence and destruction of human life to future generations. We want to leave a legacy of hope and harmony to our broken and bleeding world. There are many signs of hope where people are going into dangerous places to help those who are in great danger, delivering food and other resources to them.   To accomplish our goals our government needs to cut our military budget down to size and reorder our priorities to match God’s plan for all people.

As Dominic’s followers, we need to follow his example and way of life by going into dark and dreary places, holding high the Torch of Truth and bringing the light of God to all people and mirror God’s mercy and love wherever we are. May we live as people of the Promise and share in Dominic’s daring dream.  Let us begin today with courage, conviction and hope. With God’s unfailing help, thus mission can be accomplished.




Dominican Preaching Archive

Preaching is at the heart of the Dominican vocation. The Dominican Leadership Conference claims for all members of the Dominican Family the right to preach, and commits itself to the struggle this claim entails. The injustices of our day compel us to place the charism of preaching at the service of the poor and powerless. The Dominican prophetic message, rooted in experience, study and prayer, will move both preachers and hearers of the word to act for the transformation of oppressive structures. The Conference on its part will act corporately, confronting evil with the Gospel and working for the construction of a just world order.

We embrace the mission of preaching for justice with a commitment to act in collaboration with one another and all those with and among whom we minister

------Dominican Leadership Conference

(The latest additions are shown first.  Click on an article title below to view it.)

• A Call to Light the World With Truth •
• A Harvest of Thanksgiving •
• Blessed Are the Peacemakers •
• Dominic's Daring Dream •
• Dominic, Preacher of Grace •
• Inside Darkness - The Film •
• Acquiring Legal Status Under Fedral Immigration Law •
• Living With Integrity •
• Preaching Participation •
• Reclaiming the Gift of Prophetic Preaching •
• The Call And the Challenge To Address Racism •
• United Nations •

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