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the Dominican Friars.

Our CD for liturgical Year A has THREE reflections for almost all the Sundays and major liturgical feasts.  Also included are book reviews and essays related to preaching.

We have also compiled a CD for all three liturgical years (A, B and C)

If you are a preacher, I hope you find our CDs helpful in your preaching preparations. Recipients of our "First Impressions" email service have told me that, even if they don't preach publicly, the reflections do help them in RCIA and scripture reflection groups, as well as for their own personal preparation for Sunday liturgy. I am delighted to know "First Impressions" has been put to so many different and creative uses!

* Note:  For a Limited Time, the Three-Year CD is Only $30.

Each CD offers three formats: Microsoft Word, Word Perfect and Acrobat Reader (PDF). A Single Liturgical Year CD costs $30 and the CD with all three Liturgical years costs $45.00... Which includes postage to any location in the world! There are two ways to purchase...
  1. Send a check payable to: "Dominican Friars of Irving" to:
    Preaching Resources
    Dominican Friars of Irving
    3150 Vince Hagan Drive
    Irving, TX 95062-4736

Be sure to indicate which CD you want us to send you.

  1. Make a secure on-line order using our PayPal account.  Just click the drop-down arrow to choose the CD you want, then click the Buy Now button:

First Impressions CD's Available:

Thank you for your support of our Dominican preaching ministry.  In whatever way you find yourself preaching the Word of God, through words and actions, I ask God's blessings for you.

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