General Intercessions

Twenty Ninth Sunday of Ordered Time

October 20, 2024

Presider: The Lord Jesus is our high priest before the Father. He is sympathetic to our weaknesses as he was tested in every way but did not sin. We offer our concerns he clearly understands.


Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”


1. That Pope Francis, Bishop _________, all clergy, and religious be strengthened in servant leadership as they evangelize people, we pray...


2. That victims of the hurricane who lost their lives will be found and receive a dignified burial and be mourned by their families, we pray...


3. That those who lost possessions and their health in the hurricane receive expedited assistance from generous citizens and governmental programs, we pray...


4. That preachers and teachers of the Way of the Lord prepare with understanding, compassion, and wisdom their communication of the Gospel message, we pray...


5. That those in abused by violence and those suffering from physical or mental illness be supported by healers and first responders, we pray...


6. That the synod in Rome be inspired by the Spirit and focus on the issues of the times, we pray...


7. That victims of war experience a just peace with no more death and destruction, we pray...


8. That all citizens of our nation commit to voting and to discernment of candidates most clearly focused on the common good, we pray...


9. That those who have died this week are remembered in our prayers (list them here). That we pray... for _________ who is (are) the intention of this mass: that those reaching the end of their journey be fortified with the presence of the Lord, we pray...


10. Let us take a moment to add our personal intentions to these prayers: (pause) Let us place these intentions on the altar with our gifts for the community, we pray...


Presider: Jesus, you taught us to focus our love and charity to the least among us. Prestige and status do not make us better than those we serve. The servant is the life of the community and leads others to your presence. Send the Spirit so we can be re-created. We petition you to bring our requests to the Father in your name, who lives with you and the Spirit now and forever.


Response: Amen.