General Intercessions

Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordered Time

October 6, 2024

Presider: The Lord is good to those who hope in him, to the person that seeks him. May our prayers reach the Lord of justice and hope.


Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”


1.That Pope Francis, Bishop ________, and all servants of the Lord be filled with the Spirit’s gifts of love, peace, understanding, and joy in their work for the Lord, we pray...


2. That those suffering from war, domestic violence, partisanship, and grudges be relieved of the threat of harm, we pray...


3. That we dedicate ourselves to achieving peace. That we seek reconciliation by serving others with compassion, skill, and God’s support, we pray...


4. That our sons and daughters discover the wonder of faith, how its practice and tradition have provided strength in harsh and difficult times, we pray...


5. That pregnant women have familial, church, and political support as they await the birth of their child. That the state enact policies removing poverty as a need for abortion. That Pro-Life persons support all life. May communities and politicians support all life, born and unborn with health care, with adequate income, and necessary paid time off for parents. May a socio-economic goal of our nation be to make abortion unnecessary, we pray...


6.  That we raise our voices against the absurdity of war and become urgent advocates for just peace among nations, communities, neighborhoods, and families, we pray...


7. That those who have died this week be remembered in our prayers (list them here). That we pray... for __________ who is (are) the intention of this mass: that those reaching the end of their journey be fortified for the event with absolution, anointing, the Apostolic Pardon, and Viaticum, we pray...


9. Let us take a moment to add our personal intentions to these prayers: (pause) Let us place these intentions on the altar with our gifts for the community, we pray...


Presider: Father, hear these concerns of ours. Receive them with our sacrifice and thanksgiving for the gift of your Son to lead us, to heal us, to instruct us. Lift up our hearts to follow your commandments and to unload the burden of our sins. We ask this in the name of your Son who lives with you forever.


Response: Amen.